Ty is exploring his truck spoon

I decided to give Ty some oatmeal this morning before giving him his milk. I think my boy knew that mommy messed up! Every morning we go and get the bottle and go sit in the living room and watch the Today Show. I will admit I have become a huge fan. However, this morning I put Tyler in his high chair and I think he was a little confused because he started whimpering. I loved it because he knows our morning routine. And all of you know what a schedule and routine Nazi I am when it comes to Ty.
Once Ty saw his bottle and a bowl and a spoon he became a happy camper once again. I am sure he will begin to like this new morning routine. He also slept really well during his morning nap, too! He must have had a full belly, or it could have been the morning story time that we started this morning before nap time. Ty loved trying to grab the book and put it in his mouth. I love reading stories to him.
At 11:30 Ty had some peaches for the first time. Yummy! He really liked the peaches, well to be honest I don't think there has been a solid food that Ty has not liked! That's our boy! Tonight for dinner he will be served green beans! Oh, the joys of soild food.