Friday, September 14, 2012

Yellow Behavior Day

Yellow was the color of the day at our house on Tuesday, and according to Tyler that is not a good color. I am still a little shocked that Ty got a yellow card. However, he broke a classroom rule: No Running! Ty ran/charged out of the bathroom and ran over a little girl in his class. :(  I know it was an accident but he does need to follow the rules and pay attention to where he is going.
As soon as I walked in to the court yard to get him, he started crying and told me that he got a yellow card... bless his heart. We had a long talk and I had him make/help me write "I am sorry notes" to take to his Teacher and the little girl he ran over. We also took the iPad away for the day, which a big deal to him... he loves that thing. Daddy also brought home his paddle from school, which Tyler hates!!
Sometimes learning to obey the rules can be a tough a lesson but I know Tyler will grow from all of these experiences... some more fun than others. According to Tyler, green is the color to stay on from now on. No more yellow in this house!! 

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