Friday, May 10, 2013

Storms and Muffins

What a crazy and eventful past two days. Yesterday afternoon we had a a really bad storm hit our area. High winds and Hail. Ty thought it was snowing, or had snowed because our yard was covered. We lost all power around 2:30 pm and it finally came back on at 7:00 this morning. We are very thankful that we did not have any major damage with our trees, or have any fall. Still in shock over that..... I guess that spring clean up a couple of months ago helped.
I ended up taking the kids to my parents last night when we heard it was going to be a while with out power. Today was Muffins for Moms at Ty's School so I figured I needed to try and look nice and not like I just rolled out of bed and can't see anything. Ty's class put on a cute little performance and we had muffins together. Short and Sweet.
 I came back home to clean up and clean out our fridge and freezer. A good reason to clean out and get rid of stuff. It is has been rainy off and on all day and I can hear the rain as I type, just hoping it is not as bad as yesterday and the power stays on. Nothing like a perfect storm to throw you off balance, just a little.

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