Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This Time of Year

I always forget how crazy this time of year can become. It seems like I am always behind and can't catch up. I have several lists and can't seem to get it all done because I remember other things that I need to do or I just forget....
However, today I seemed to accomplish most of what was on my list. It is amazing how much I can get done while Ty is in school. I still have plenty of tasks waiting for me and one of them is baking. I have so much baking that I need to finish by Friday for Ryan's staff, plus neighbors, and Ty's friends at MDO. I can check his Teacher and Aids off my list.
Tonight is the JL Board Dinner/Christmas Party so I did get the ornament bought and wrapped for that. Tomorrow night is our December Supper Club and I have everything for that except for Dessert... whoops. I will be making that tomorrow. The list goes on and on..........
I thing when times get crazy and I have piles of shopping bags surrounding me I need to remember the reason for the Season and my amazing family.

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