Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Zoo Day

On Saturday Morning we headed o the Fort Worth Zoo. It was a fun filled Morning for all the boys. Ty's favorite part was the train, of course. He did love the Monkey's, Giraffe's, and Elephants, too. What a fun Morning.
We spent our Saturday afternoon in the pool. Ty is still trying to warm up to the pool year, but he is getting there. He always been are water boy so I am hoping for the same thing this year. We start Swim Lessons next Monday at UMHB!! Ty, Caleb, and Jacob

I still have one more post about our Memorial/Graduation Weekend to post so I will try and get to that one soon.
We are going to have a house full in a few hours with electricians, glass, and texture of 4 current rooms and a hall way in our house. Our house is a disaster zone again but I am so excited about painting more rooms.
Today also marks my official position switch with the JL. I am officially Secretary of JLBC. We kick it of tonight with Board Training. My close friend that was the Secretary last year has already passed everything down to me including a lap top. I know I have some big shoes to fill but I am ready!!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Congratulations, Holly! I know you will do an awesome job!