Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Elf On The Shelf

This year our family started a new Christmas Tradition with Tyler. We have a little Elf named, Francesco (Tyler named him after his favorite car) that is staying with us during the Holiday's. Francesco arrived at our house the day after Thanksgiving in a beautiful box with a precious book. We read the book to Ty and then we watched "The Elf On The Self". It is now one of Tyler's favorite shows to watch, and thankfully it came back on last Friday because I accidentally deleted the one that aired after Thanksgiving.
Francesco stays in our house all day and then flies back to the North Pole every night to report back to Santa. Ty can not touch him, but he can talk to him and I do catch Ty carrying on little conversations with Francesco.
Every Morning we wake to find out where Francesco is, because he flies to a new spot every night when he comes back from the North Pole. Ty really is enjoying the hide and seek game he gets to play with his elf! Our Elf sometimes forgets to hide himself, so he has to make a mad dash in the Morning before Tyler notices.... bad Francesco. :) He also is not that creative like some of his Elf friends, but we still love him! :)
I love being able to start new Christmas Traditions with Tyler and Georgia Kate! This is why Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year.

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