Friday, April 27, 2012

Annual Conference

 Me, Amber and Pam with Delly Beekman, AJLI President.
 Me (Iincoming President), Pam (Ooutgoing President), Amber (President Elect)
 Had to laugh when I saw this.
 China Town.

 Beautiful. We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge and it was amazing. Thank you Pam and Amber!
Last week I had the amazing opportunity to attend The Association of Junior Leagues International Annual Conference in San Francisco. Every time I attend on of these conferences I am amazed at the wonderful training and opportunities that I have received during my service with the Junior League of Bell County. I have had a tremendous amount of personal growth during the past few years because of my experiences in league and I am beyond thankful for every opportunity that has been provided to me through the the JLBC. Next year is going to be a huge challenge and tremendous time commitment, but I am so ready to give back to this amazing league that has done so much for me and my family.
WOW! San Francisco is absolutely beautiful and we had perfect weather during the entire trip. We decided to arrive a day before the conference started so we could have some extra time to explore all that the city has to offer. I am still amazed at how much we were able to see and do... we were women on a mission. :) Thank you Pam and Amber for being amazing Leaders. I had a blast, or I think I should say we had a blast!
I landed in San Diego with a notebook full and a head swimming with ideas. Only a few weeks until the passing of the gavel!!!! Ready or not I am about to be President of the Junior League of Bell County. I have a huge smile on my face while typing this and I hope that smile is still there at this time next year!! :)
This week I have spent the majority of my afternoons planning for next year and I can't wait to share my theme and logo with you all! Thank you, Ryan. I love you and your amazing talent and support. Oh, and thank you Jen for saying yes!! You will make my year great. :)

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