Friday, April 6, 2012


One of the things that I love about Texas is our beautiful Bluebonnets, and it is always a tradition to get your pictures taken in the Bluebonnets. Therefore, this afternoon we continued with the tradition and got some pictures of Tyler and Georgia Kate. They looked absolutely breathtaking in their Easter Outfits.

Of course we waited until late afternoon to take them so it was really hot and GK was getting tired. It is hard work being so cute. :) That is why there are not pictures of just her, we did take some but you see my hands and legs so I figured I would leave those out. We do have her in her Bumbo for safety, she is actually trying and can sit up on her own, but is still a little wobbly and I did not want any accidents in the Bluebonnets.

Have a wonderful Easter Weekend. I beyond thankful this year and I love the HOPE that Easter brings.

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