Tuesday, January 27, 2009

18 Months

What Ty is up to these days:

1. Ty loves ELMO! Whenever he wants to watch Elmo, which is everyday he will go and the the DVD or just point to the TV. Don't tell Ty but I am taking him to see Elmo Live next Month in Waco with Hudson and Keifer. I can't wait.

2. Ty loves to be outside. He will stay out there for hours.

3. Ty loves to talk, sure we don't understand half of it but at least he is getting his voice out. Ty can say Dada, Mom, Ghee, Ball, Dog, Kitty, Thank you (still working on please),Elmo,cookie, cracker, and Bye and Bye. I am sure there is more that I am forgetting

4. Tantrums. Ty can throw an Academy Award Winning fit! I don't like this part at all. Ty has already had his first spanking and several slaps on his hand when he is doing something that he should not be doing.

5. Running. However, this week he has started running from me when he should not.

6. Ty loves trucks, buses, bulldozers..... well anything that goes vroom vroom

7. My favorite is Ty can put his clothes in his hamper. I love that he is starting to pick up after himself. I also love when I tell him to go get his shoes and he brings them to me. I will have him taking out the trash in no time.

8. Ty still cries every time I leave to go somewhere but it does not last long. He does it when I drop him of at the nursery, too but he gets over it.

My boy is growing up so fast and learning new things everyday. I love you Ty! You are my Monkey.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I only have 2 responses:

1. I don't half of what you say either, so don't judge.
2. You still hold the title for throwing the biggest tantrums.