Friday, July 23, 2010

Puppy Love

Ty has been doing really well with potty training. He is great at going potty and he will go anywhere so that is nice. However going poo poo was a different story. Ty would go pee pee on the potty but he was not comfortable going poo poo so he would go in his underpants. Yucky!!! When we went to Port Aransas a couple of weekends ago I was telling my friends about our poo poo issue and mentioned that maybe my Mom would get him to poop on the potty and sure enough I got a phone call that Ty finally went poo poo!! We all started shouting because we were so proud of Ty!!
My parents cabinet maker, Bull has a dog that Ty LOVES. Ty loved when Bull was working at our house because he would bring Bella with him. Ty talks about Bella all the time and so that is what my Mom used to get him to go. I think Ty went and saw Bella twice when we were gone for going poo poo (we don't go every time he goes poop). Bull is so great with us coming out there just to see Bella. Ty still has some poop issues but overall he is doing so much better. This week he has done really well so my Mom took him to see Bella on Monday while I was at the Doctor and then I finally made the trip with them on Thursday! Bella is so sweet and Ty really loves seeing her. He always gets a big smile on his face after he poops on the potty and says "I go see Bella"! We will get this poop thing down one day!

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