Sunday, February 1, 2009

Potty Time

No. I am not starting to Potty Train Ty just yet, but when it is time I am ready. Although I really don't know if I will ever be ready for potty training. I decided to get a potty chair for Ty yesterday because I have been reading that this is the perfect time to start exposing your child to a potty chair and getting him or her used to it. When I put Ty down for his nap yesterday I decided now would be the perfect time to sneak to Target and look in to Potty Chairs. Wow is all I can say. I have never seen so many potty chairs in my life. I looked at all of them and decided on the one that can also be a step stool and plays music. Ty loves music! After that I went in search for the Elmo Potty book that plays music They were out so I will have to go back next week and get that. I did find a video "Elmo's Potty Time". Elmo is going to teach Ty the Potty Dance. When the time comes to use the potty we are all set! Let the fun begin.......

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