Monday, October 8, 2012

Fire Day

Saturday was Fire Prevention/Safety Day in Temple and boy oh boy did we ever see everything that relates to the world of fire fighters. The Train Depot transformed in to one big fire station. There were fire trucks and fire fighters everywhere.
Ty got to get in a fire truck and we event went for a ride in a fire truck. Tyler participated in some fun Fire drills, and when down a huge slide that looked like a fire truck. We did all of this after his morning Soccer game, which he scored a goal! He loved the way we celebrated. :) Tyler was so mesmerized the whole time we were there, and just could not get enough. It was such a fun morning, and the best part is Ty's school has a fire safety day this week that he is excited about, as well.
We had such a fun and busy weekend. We had friends over on Saturday evening to watch football, well the guys watched football while the kids played and the Mom's got to visit. There were two screens playing football. Ryan brought a projector home, and made a screen on our wall. Ryan adores this time of year. Ryan played 2 softball games yesterday, as well. Me and and the kids stayed home, it was a little too cold yesterday for softball, if you ask me. We enjoyed playing in Ty's room, instead.
 Football and Fire fighters were a perfect weekend combo for my boys.   

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