Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast

Ty's school had a Thanksgiving feast today. I always love seeing each year the fun creative stuff they do, and of course I always love his place mate. I guess they must have made the place mates after a certain lost kitty found our home, because Chief made the place mate. :) What are we supposed to do now... Ty really has been wanting a cat for a long time. GK loved the feast this year and I am glad that I bought myself a plate, because the last picture goes to show how much GK is going to love all the food on Thursday. I did not have one bite. And Ty only ate his roll, go figure.
  It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Ty has off the whole week, but Ryan's school is not out until Tuesday. All I know is I am thankful for some time off, for all of us. I guess that means it is time to pull out Christmas!

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