Friday, November 2, 2012

Sick Days

Well, this week I have had to take a couple of sick days to mend Georgia Kate back to health. On Monday right after I finished my last post, GK started running a fever. She was really fussy all morning, but I thought she was just tired or teething, because she was drooling a lot. After picking up Ty from school she was becoming very lethargic and lots of crying... sweet girl even got sick and threw up all over me (on my birthday). It was not the gift I was expecting, but I took it. :) She seemed a little better after that, but by 5 she started tugging on her ear, I decided not to wait until morning... I took her to a urgent care clinic, and boy were they so wonderful. GK had a double ear infection and a throat infection... wow! First time for any of those.
Two rounds of penicillin shots, and a antibiotic later she is finally coming around and back to her sweet bubbly self. We had a rough couple of days and nights, but it is was all worth it.  I am so thankful for how healthy she has been, she is a such a blessing.
Of course, I am behind and I have so much to post. We are entering a busy next 2 weeks and weekends, so I hope I can keep up with everything.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Coen just had his first ear infection recently too :( Hope she is all better now!