Monday, April 29, 2013


Today was a Bad Weather day for Ryan's district, so we had a extra long weekend with Daddy! TY loved that his Daddy was able to take him to school this morning and that also meant that GK could have a fun morning with Daddy while I went and worked out. I think we all "bonus" Daddy days.
First thing after nap time was to get out and vote for Mayor and City Council Rep. I think it is so important to take Ty and GK with us when we vote, and I don't think they have missed a single election that we can vote on. We want to instill the importance of voting in them at a young age. This is the first Mayoral Election in 11 years for Temple, so it is pretty big.
Tyler is excited for Mayor/ Mr. Dunn for Mayor of Temple. He just happens to live across the street from us and he is a friend of mine from High School. Therefore, I thought it was pretty special to cast my vote for Danny Dunn. I love that our whole street is lined with Dunn for Mayor signs.
After voting we made a trip to the library and then it was time to gear up for a tball game. I will write a post on the other 2 events because they were both very special. 2 more tball games this week... whew, that is a lot. Thank goodness Soccer is wrapping up on Saturday that we we can focus on one sport. We have survived both at the same time. Go us!! :)

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