On Sunday I was able to sneak away with my friend Kassie to go and this great Movie. I love Vince Vaughn and Reese
Witherspoon. It was great going the movies because it is something that I do not do that often. To be honest I can't think of the last movie I saw at the theater.
Well, the littlest Steele is doing better but now I am getting a cold and I just feel yuck. However, I don't have time to be ill. I have a lot that I have to accomplish this week. I know my body is telling me to slow down and not do as much. It is just hard with Christmas next week!
I am sorry this is not a picture of Ty. I am hoping Santa will bring us a camera for Christmas. Oh, my best friend Rebekah is in Texas this week and will be staying with us tomorrow night. I can't wait to spend the day with her.
Well, I am going to try and rest before Ty wakes up and before
tonight's JL meeting which I am
in charge of.