Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Trip Out Of Town Is Not Complete With Out

A trip to my Sister In Laws Pediatrician in Fort Worth. Ty started breaking out in a rash yesterday morning and it started spreading through out the day and this morning. We were very fortunate that we were able to get in right away and not have to go to an Urgent Care Hospital. The Dr. said the rash was probably caused by a delayed allergic reaction to Penicillin. Ty has been on Amoxicillin for his Ear Infection. Thank goodness today was the last day for that. Now we have Ty on a tablet to help the rash. It has been a crazy Holiday for us. Last year Ty was never sick but this year has been another story. I know it has a lot to do with all the interaction from other kids. At least we have had a great year with so many wonderful Friends for Ty!
Overall we have had a great visit in Fort Worth with Ryan's family. Ty has enjoyed playing with all of his cousins.

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