Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I write an article for our Junior League Newsletter every month and my article that I submitted this month reflected on how thankful I am for all the many blessings in my life. I am truly thankful for so much. This time of year I always love to give to those in need. This week is the big Food For Families food drive and the JL is playing a big role in that. We are also helping the families in Fort Hood that were struck by tragedy a few weeks ago by gathering gift cards for families in need. It is a amazing that something so small like opening my pantry and grabbing soup is going to make someones day a little better.
I have been amazed at Ty's School and how much Ty is learning about Thanksgiving, Turkeys, and being Thankful. Yesterday Tyler and I put some canned goods in a sack so he could participate in his schools food drive. Ty's class decorated their own box and will be collecting food until Friday. Today when I picked Ty up from school I noticed a big turkey that had feathers with all the kids names on it and as we were walking out Ty pointed to the Turkey and said "Mommy" That is when I saw Ty's name on a Feather and it read (Ty is thankful for Mommy). That just melted my heart in so many ways. It makes all the 2 year old tantrums seem so small. I am so proud of Ty and the boy that he is turning in to. Please take time this year to reflect on everything you are thankful for.


The Eidson Family said...

Last year on the turkey, Jack was thankful for "trains". About 90% were "Mommy" or "daddy", my kid: trains.

Holly Steele said...

I am sure Trains would have been second for Ty! That is so cute...