Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day out with Poppy

Ty got to spend part of the day with his Poppy. Ryan had class, I had Spring Provisional Orientation for Junior League and my Mom was busy. Therefore, my dad was so excited to spend the day with Ty. Ty and Poppy and had a busy day. They went and looked at a few of my Dad's houses, ate some breakfast, looked at cows and hay, went to Academy, and played a lot outside. Those two are like best buddies. They always have the best time together. My dad even got Ty a hat with a dog like looks like Cooper on it and a football at Academy. Ty is one lucky boy. I had a great Morning with the newest members of our League and Ryan was bored in class. What a great Saturday.
Well, we thought Ty was on the mend because he felt great all day Friday and he was feeling good until after we ate dinner. However, after dinner he got sick again. I think he has just been doing and going to much that he did not let his dinner settle, I hope. I might go ahead and take him to the clinic tomorrow to make sure everything is ok. He was so tired that wanted to go to bed early, too. My Poor baby. I am also dealing with a cold and cough. My immune system must have shut down once I got pregnant.... I am so tired of always been sick and achy. I just want a healthy family again.
Well, we have a full day. A Sip 'n' see and a Supper Club Super Bowl party at our house. Have a great weekend!

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