Thursday, April 15, 2010

Funny Moments

Yesterday afternoon I was lying on the floor next Ty when he started patting my belly. Therefore, I thought I would take that moment to talk about baby Landry. We talked about the the baby for a few minutes and I loved that he was really starting to ask about the baby. I know he is still not fully aware of what is about to take place, but it made me feel good that we good talk about Landry.
All of the sudden Ty sits up and lifts up and shirt and looks right at his belly and says "that's my baby." I started laughing so hard. What a funny little boy. I of course called Ryan and My Mom to tell them all about it.
I really treasure this time with Ty because I know it is going to change just a little bit when Landry arrives. So for now I will cherish Ty and how much fun it is to watch him react to my ever expanding belly. My favorite is when he lays is head down on my belly. What precious memories I want to cherish forever.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

We have a great picture of Abbie putting her head on your how our kids have changed. Ty may be cuter, but Abbie is still smarter!