Thursday, January 3, 2013


On Christmas Eve we celebrated Christmas with all of Ryan's family. There were presents everywhere. I was anxious to see what Georgia Kate thought of all it, since she was only 2 months old last Christmas. Thankfully, she was one the mend from a small bacterial virus.... she was more herself that day than she had been in a while. It did take GK a while to realize that she could not open all the presents that were there, the girl loved ripping paper. Of course, by the end our drama queen (I really think she is becoming rather dramatic these days) had enough... no she was not sleeping. Throwing herself on the floor is her new thing when she is just throwing a fit or sometimes just for the attention. Nice effect I must say. I do love her, sassy and all.
After brunch and presents it was time to hit the road so we could get home for Santa. Such wonderful memories of Christmas this year.

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