Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today was a busy day for us but that is how we like things. It started this Morning with a fun trip to the park with our friends the Marshall's. We headed to the new playground that just opened at Lion's Park. I only got one picture, because we were too busy exploring everything. It is a great playground. I am sure we will head back there soon. After the playground I took Ty to get his hair cut. Ty of course was wonderful and sat there the whole time smiling and talking. He loves the razor. It tickles. After the haircut we headed to run an errand to get birthday gifts for some friends. After our errands it was time to head to another friends house for lunch. We had a great time with the Thompson's and ended up spending a few hours over there visiting.
I would have to say that the highlight of our day was at 5:30 pm when we saw Daddy's truck pull up in the driveway. Ty started clapping and shouted yea!! There was nothing better than seeing Ty run and give his Daddy a big hug, and I don't think he stopped smiling the rest of evening until bedtime.
We our truly thankful for good friends that we have a good time with and when Daddy comes home from work on time.

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