Monday, September 12, 2011

My Little Helper

Tomorrow is a big day for the the Junior League's store! Daddy had to work late tonight so I in listed help from my favorite little helper, Tyler. Ty did really well, and he even helped vacuum! Now maybe I can get him to vacuum our house.
Thankfully, Pam's family came up later in the evening so Ty had some company. Once Ty had Jack and Noah they chased each other all the store, played hide in go seek, and wrestled. :) They had a full evening, and Ty was worn out by the time we left to come home and get ready for bed.
So thankful for Ty and his helping hands tonight..... I might even start calling him our littlest Volunteer. :)

Ty with Jack and Noah! These 3 boys had a great time and we were so thankful for their helping hands tonight.

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