Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Sites Of Philadelphia

The one thing I can say about Philadelphia, It's rich in its History. It is home to the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, National Constitution Center, and the famous steps that Rocky ran up in the Movie, Rocky. My fellow travel partner, Pam was a History Major and taught History for several years, so I was in good hands.
I'm so thankful we woke up early on Thursday Morning to see some of their famous sites, or it would not have happened. We were schedule to arrive In Philadelphia around 1pm last Wednesday so we could see the City a little before the Conference started, but we ended up not getting there until 5:30pm. It was not a good a good day for traveling. When looking at our Conference materials we realized that our only free day was a few hours on Thursday Morning, so we hit the streets running that Morning so we could fit it all in before 11:30.
So thankful for the wonderful opportunities to visit another City, and especially one that that holds so much History.
The Liberty Bell

Independence Hall, under Construction

National Constitution Center.

Benjamin Franklin's Grave. If you go to his grave site your supposed to throw a Penny on it.

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