Sunday, July 6, 2008

Night out with Friends

Bart and Sara were in Temple yesterday, so we managed to steal them from Sevi last night, for some dinner and drinks. It was Sara's first night away from Sevi and she did great! Ghee and Poppy came over to sit with Ty while he slept. However, Ghee did come over a little early to give him his bath. Ty loves to splash, so Ghee was concerned that I would get soaked. Tyler loved helping Ghee get his tub all ready.
What special friends. I love getting to Sara. She is such a special friend, and I am blessed that she has been apart of my life for so many years. We share so many wonderful memories together. She likes to see me, because I fill her in on the Temple gossip!We have had a wonderful Sunday. I worked in the nursery again, and loved it. Ty had a rough start, but he ended up doing great in his class.
Now it is time to get the chores while I have a napping boy. WOW! We had a fun filled weekend. Plus, we are starting to book our calender for the week ahead.

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