Friday, September 10, 2010

Planted With Love

On Monday, Ryan and I planted Landry's rose bush that Ghee bought for us. My parents (Ghee and Poppy) bought the plot right behind Landry so we could do something special just for Landry, because Landry deserves a lot of special things. We still have to design a head stone but that will come with time and I am sure we will think of other ideas that will Make Landry's grave feel very special. I can say that we have never planted a flower with so much love before. We took our time because we wanted it to be perfect for Landry. We watered Landry's flower with our tears and water that day. It was such such a special time for us to be there with our littlest. The Lord also blessed us with heavy rains the next two days.
I went to visit Landry this Morning and I already noticed new blooms and I noticed a lot of blooms that were about to blossom. I cried when I saw them because I felt that represented new life. I know the Lord knows how much we want children and how much I want Ty to have siblings and for some reason I felt a sense of peace when I saw the new blossoms.
I will say that we have a had a good week. We were busy but if you have read my blog in the past that is what we are used too. We had a lot of pleasant surprises and last minute gatherings with friends but I think this is one of the best weeks we have had in a long time. It might be different tomorrow or even in a few minutes but these feelings and emotions are all about of our grieving and healing process. I wouldn't say it is getting easier we are just learning how to move forward and be content with our situation because that is all we can do right now. We just have to believe and have faith that God is going to show us His glory through this difficult time.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Beautiful! What a special time with your special boy. Praying for you!