Monday, September 20, 2010


I went to see Landry this Morning after I dropped off Ty and I found myself on my knees with my arms held high to God begging Him to hold my heart and bless us with more Children to hold on to and love. My heart aches to have Landry with us. Friday marks Landry's two month Birthday and I am not ready for that day to arrive because it just another month with out our littlest and a reminder of everything I am missing out on. We had so many hopes and dreams for Landry and our Family that were crushed right in front of us.

My tears fell on the dirt this Morning as I longed for God to hold my heart and show us the rainbow at the end of our storm. As soon as I got in my car I heard this song and the tears fell again. I will say I have found so many songs recently that speak to me. I surround my day with k Love.

I was thankful that God provided me with a fun Breakfast with 3 of the greatest women around. I just have to cling to the words of God and know he will heal our hearts and give us HOPE.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Praying for that HOPE! love ya :)