Sunday, September 19, 2010


For some of you Saturday is a day you all look forward to. Not me. Saturdays have always been a little hard and days I dreaded mainly because Ryan is gone all day. I always envisioned Saturdays and the weekend as family time but once Ryan started his Doctorate that all changed. I am thrilled of all the opportunities Ryan will have once he finishes but Saturdays are just long and it is hard to get together with friends because for most them it is a family day.

Now Saturdays are double hard because Landry was born on a Saturday and he would have been 8 weeks old yesterday. I started getting depressed on Friday night thinking about Landry and how Ryan would be gone all day. Therefore, I went to bed and woke up depressed and really angry with my situation. Of course Ty sensed my mood so he was off and acted awful all day. We did have a Birthday party to attend yesterday afternoon so that was nice and Ty did fairly well. I was just thankful when Ty was asleep in bed. I just spent my evening relaxing on the sofa and of course I had a few friends texting me to check on me. Friends are always close by these days and I am so blessed to have them because I would not be able to get through a day with out them.

It breaks my heart to think that I have missed out on 8 wonderful weeks with Landry. I wonder what his smile would like? I am sure it would have melted my heart. I miss him so much.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hugs, Holly. Praying for you.