Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Music has always been a big part of my life and especially now after our sweet Landry went to Heaven. I find myself listening to the same songs over an over again. There are some songs that bring me comfort right when I hear it. I have always been able to express myself through music so I thought I would add a play list on my blog with some the songs that have touched my heart and spoke to me during the past couple of months. You might need Kleenex for the first two because I still can't listen to these songs with out crying. Beautiful.
I was really wanting to put the play list at the bottom of my blog but I am still blog challenged. I will learn one of these days....
Enjoy the music and I hope some of the songs inspire or bring you comfort as well.


Jen said...

Holly, Thank you for sharing this! You were right- I needed my kleenex. I had not heard the first song and it was so touching. I listened to your play list while praying for you. Hugs sweet girl!!

Lauren said...

oh my those songs are beautiful...the picture of you and landry in the rocking chair is beautiful!