KC and
Cinco enjoying a wild ride on the tube.

Tyler's all time favorite was to climb on the boat and jump off..... he repeated this several times.

Tyler, Hudson, and
Cinco all ready to jump in!

KC with her two boys! We adore this precious, family.

Me and KC at the end of our time on the lake. The kids ate lots of fruit snacks and fed Cheetos's to the fish by the Doc after we got off the boat to head home, so I would call today a huge success.

Well, our Sunday did not really slow down either but in my eyes that was fine by me because we had a fabulous day. Our good friends, The
Brashear's invited us out on their boat this afternoon, so after church we headed home for a quick change and then we hit the Lake.
This was Ty's first adventure on a boat and at first he was a little unsure of everything, but it did not take him long to warm up once we docked the boat for some swimming in the Lake. Tyler, Cinco, Hudson, and Sydney had a blast. The only thing we could not get Tyler to do was get on the tube. Ryan and KC rode on it with Cinco and Hudson, but no so luck with Tyler this time around.
Overall our adventure on Belton lake was a blast and hopefully we can do it again. Thank you Price and KC for such a wonderful Sunday outing. After the lake we headed home to clean up for Bible Study.... now it is time to rest for our week ahead.
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