Friday, November 19, 2010

1st Christmas

This Morning I had to run to Hobby Lobby to pick up red Cellophane for a Luncheon and Fashion Show at Tyler's school the first week of December (Tyler is a model). I was secretly excited when they asked me to run this errand because I love Hobby Lobby and I thought I could browse while getting my Cellophane. As I walking around trying to find the aisle that the Cellophane would be on I browsed at all the cute stuff and I of course created a wish list in my brain. I finally had to ask for help and once I got to the right aisle and got what I came for I started walking for the register and I passed this huge display of Baby's 1st Christmas items. I found my myself staring at it for a little bit and then that is when I felt the huge whole in my heart ache and I had a feeling tears were close to the surface, so I walk really fast to the check out and luckily I was first in a line to check out because I knew I was going to have a break down at any moment, and I will just say the tears started flowing once I got in my car.
The Holiday's are going to hurt and I have not gotten through Thanksgiving and I am already having a really hard time with Christmas. It is all the "Firsts" that really hurt. This is the first time in several years that I have dreaded the Holidays. I just have to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season and hold on to that truth.


Jen said...

Praying for your heart sweet Holly. May God give you the strength through the holidays and every day. Hugs!

Lisa said...

I feel the same way. Every time I see a first Christmas outfit or ornament, my heart aches.