Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tears to Laughter

This morning I was scheduled to be at the Second Hand Rose at 10 am to meet the potential members of Junior League and share with them about my league experience and a little bit about me. That always seems to take a little longer now that I have a little boy in Heaven......
Westphalia had a basketball tournament in town today so Ryan took Ty with him to the first game at 9am. When my boys left the house the house I was overcome with sadness.... I thought about how different we thought this Saturday would be. I always thought when I was pregnant with Landry that any Saturday that Ryan was home and not in class that we would each take one of the boys and do something fun with them. As I sat on the sofa in tears this morning I was missing Landry because it just would have been us for a couple of hours this morning. Some days it really hits me hard that what we had planned on this year did not happen and it leaves me with a empty feeling.
I felt a little more at ease and filled with peace when I got the the Second Hand Rose. My friends that I have met through the league never left my side after Landry and they are still checking on me and the thing I love most is they love talking about Landry and I know they get it.... Landry and his Memorial were a big topic of our Morning, I love hearing others say Landry's name. Thank you JLBC.
The rest of our afternoon was filled with basketball... Ty had a blast and I loved watching him running and trying to play with all the teams... However, I think he over did just a little because he was so tired and drained by 4:30.... Luckily we were able to keep him awake until 7pm... A little earlier than normal but close enough to bed time. Something is still not right...this sickness has taken a toll on all of us.
Tonight as I was reading to Tyler before bed he looked at me and said..... I want Ivan Ulz... I said you want to read Fire Truck....yes, by Ivan Ulz. I always add the Authors name to the title of any book I read to Tyler... I guess he is listening. I needed that laugh at the end of our day. I love how you can go from tears to laughter at any given moment.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

How nice that you read the author's name with each book. I've never thought to do that but I like it. Hope your Sunday was better!