Thursday, February 24, 2011

7 Balloons

We held our 7 month balloon release for Landry this evening. We only got one picture because Ty released before we were ready and the wind carried the balloons up the sky really fast this evening.
Today has been one of the hardest days I have had in a while. I felt like I was barely holding on and I found myself in tears the majority of the day over so many little triggers.
The truth is I am just lonely for Landry today. I was reminded earlier today how thankful I am for a God that hears the cries of my heart and I was also reminded by several others through out the day that I am not alone on this journey. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10


Kelly said...

Oh Holly! I have been crying for you all day today. I love you, friend. I pray for His comfort in your heart.

Erin Cushman said...

i'm sitting with you in silence, friend. love you. selah.

Jen said...

been praying all day for you and the family. beautiful picture. you all will be in my prayers through the weekend. hugs dear friend.

Mary Beth said...

I love that scripture. Renew a right spirit - that's a hard one, isn't it? But what a beautiful promise of hope. I shared tears with you today, my friend. I love you!