Saturday, March 5, 2011

We Knew You By Name

March 2, 2011
One year ago we knew our littlest by name. I still remember seeing Landry on the screen that afternoon and I knew he was a boy right away. He did not hide anything from us. I remember looking at Ryan and he had this HUGE smile on his face. We already knew his name before the sonogram because we have a running list of names. My head was already spinning and plans were already being made for our second little boy, Landry James.
Spreading the news, buying Landry his first outfit, and picking out the bedding for Landry's room was how we spent that joyous day. I went back and read some off my posts from last year and we had no idea at the time what God had in store for our, Landry. I am missing you today, Landry James

1 comment:

Jen said...

Praying for your heart today dear friend! Can't imagine and will lift you up all day. love you!