Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stir Crazy!

This looks fun.
What is this?
It tastes good.
This is fun.

Thanks for my new toy, Mom.

Today after Ty got up from his morning nap I decided to clean out his closet. Ty has the most organized closet out of all us. I cleaned out the diaper box and put it on the floor next to Ty. He already was playing with some other things, but once Ty saw the box he decided to play with it instead! The small things that make him happy. It was great I was able to change his sheets and start a load of his wash while he was intrigued with his new toy box.

I will admit I am getting a little stir crazy being stuck in the house all day. Plus, the weather is not really cooperating with us this week. Honestly when I have my car we didn't get out that much, unless it was for errands or play groups. I have been missing my playgroups. This afternoon I was supposed to get together with my friend Heather and her two kids, Connor and Kendall. We were going to go to the Whistle Stop playground. We have rescheduled for another day. Well, I must clean the study before my parents get here and finish the laundry. My work is never done around here.
Update on the Fruit Puff: Ty put two puffs in his mouth last night with out my help. I was telling Ryan what I tried with him that afternoon, and he wanted to see it. Of course Ty did immediately! Ryan got the video camera out to record that wonderful moment! Proud Daddy!

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