Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Morning Buzz

Me, Stacie, and ChristinaWhat a wonderful morning segment. Thank goodness for DVR I was able to come home and watch it. I think we did a great showing off the Second Hand Rose and getting the word out about membership. The Second Hand Rose is the Junior league retail consignment store that is run off of donations from JL Members and Community Members. It is a wonderful place that has so much to offer. I just got Ty a polo shirt there for $5.00 and denim shorts for $2.00! A $7.00 outfit! You can't beat that. They really do have some cute clothes. I found two shirts that I might purchase tonight when I am there for our Prospective Member Meeting.
Nana should be here around lunch. We are ready for her visit. My house is all clean!

1 comment:

Heather B. said...

The three of you look so wonderful next to the news 10 van!!!

To be really honest, last night was the first time I have watched AI all season!! They had an early edition of Big Brother and it was opposite AI so I watched it till it ended. I had a friend that told me about David Cook so I had to watch last night. Holy Cow I am in love...........