Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Upside Down Day!

I was trying to get some pictures of Ty today and this is what I got. Ty is not always ready for a photo shoot. I guess we don't need to take pictures everyday, but what would the people that read our blog do with out pictures! So, upside down Ty is what you get today!
Plus we have so new friends reading our blog for the first time so we want to look cute for all of our new guests.
I had a wonderful time last night at Pam's house for our mini girls dinner party and notebook swap. I must say that I have some wonderful girls in my life that I am lucky to call my friends. When ever we get together we end up staying out way too late. We never mean to it just happens!
Tyler did OK, he still got a little fussy after I left but Ryan took him for a walk and that worked wonders. My friend Lindsay game me some wonderful separation games to play, so today we tried playing lots of peek-a-boo with toys and Mommy so that he sees that even when they are hiding, they are still really there. We will see what happens? Most days Ty does great if I leave him by himself in a room for a little bit, he usually finds something to get in to. This is all still a mystery to me, so I appreciate Lindsay's suggestions. It just breaks my heart that he does it around Ryan when I am gone or out of the room. I know that Ryan treasures the time that he has with Ty, and hopefully Ty will begin to feel comfortable with just Daddy. The Saga continues!
Chores to be done and I have a sleeping boy so I better get it done now

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